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My Dearest Naa Ayele 💓

To the girl of my dreams From the guy who believes you’re undeniably enough My Dearest Naa Ayele, If I was your West, would your eyes' sun set on me? If I was your East, would your heart’s sun rise in joy from seeing me? If I was your North, would your life’s compass always point to me? If I promised to forever remain faithful, work on myself, right all my wrongs, worship the very ground you walk on, would your love for me still go south? I don’t remember when we first met or the first words we ever spoke but I swear, my life has never been…no! Scratch that, my life has never been, my life will never be the same. I am only but a man but any time I see you, I feel I am one with the wind – I can fly. I am only a few decades old but I feel I have seen it all when my eyes steal glimpses at you. You embody everything perfect and true and divine and everything twice. You paint my mind with picturesque images only heaven could conjure. Whoever drew your curves has to be
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 Meet our personality of the week,our Immediate Past President Mr.Samuel Kweku Afari Can you tell us about yourself?   I am Samuel Kweku Afari, born on the 4th of March 1998. I am 23 years of age and I pride myself to be the only child of my parents. I come from Abesim in the Bono Region where I started the earlier part of my junior high education at Sacred Heart Preparatory School.  I moved to Tarkwa to continue my junior education at Golden Age School complex and that is where I had my Basic Education Certificate after completion in 2014. By God’s grace, I went on to have my senior high school education at St John’s School in Sekondi where I read General Science. Whilst in St. Johns School I served as the Sports Prefect (2016/2017). I completed St. Johns School in the year 2017 and by God’s grace had the opportunity to start my university education the same year at my dream university, KNUST.  I am currently in my final year reading BSc. Metallurgical Engineering and I am a proud Con


As Henry Ford said, ‘‘W hether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right ’’ . Whatever your mindset is, it affect s  you. Your mindset is the lens through which you perceive the world. And th is lens affect s  how you live and the choices you make every day. The quality of your life is defined by the quality of your mindset. Your life can never get any better than your mindset. Your mind is a powerful thing and the stories you tell yourself and the things you believe about yourself can either prevent change from happening or allow new skills to blossom. According to Carol Dweck, a researcher at Stanford University, there are two types of mindset and the difference between these two mindsets and how they impact our performance are explained below : The first mindset is the fixed mindset .   S tudents with this mindset believe that their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents are just fixed traits. They have a certain amount and that is that, and then their goal

When the Lass I was Loving for Years Finally said Yes!: Episode 3

Episode 3 (Final): The D-Day Presently, both of our families were aware of our relationship. Akos was an only daughter, but not an only child, as she had a brother who was as fine as herself. It seemed to me that fineness ran throughout the family--from dad to mum to children. Akos was much like her mother, and her brother, Yaw, who was older than her, took the form of her father. I had met Yaw a couple of times on campus, when he used to come visit her dear sister. As time elapsed, I became a family friend to the Sarpongs. The D-day finally arrived. I went to Akos’ residence to pick her up for our much anticipated Friday night time-out. Luckily for us it was a holiday, so we both had time to rest from the week’s busi-ness. Of course, holidays bring some delight to those whose weekly schedules are largely occupied by work or school--and without a doubt, the greater joy goes to our dear students. Operation Neptune  arrived at her residence in a black Chevrolet Cruze. De

Introduction to Glass Science and Technology

Technological History The presence of glasses in our everyday environment is so common that  we rarely notice their existence. Our current casual attitude toward the family of materials known as glasses has not always existed. Early Egyptians considered glasses as precious materials, as evidenced by the glass beads found in the tombs and golden death masks of ancient Pharaohs. The cave-dwellers of even earlier times relied on chipped pieces of obsidian , a natural volcanic glass, for tools and weapons, i. e., scrapers, knives, axes, and heads for spears and arrows. Humans have been producing glasses by melting of raw materials for thousands of years. Egyptian glasses date from at least 7000 B.C. Ancient Egyptian glass beads. PC: Science News How did the first production of artificial glasses occur? One scenario suggests the combination of sea salt (NaCl) and perhaps bones (CaO) present in the embers of a fire built on the sands (SiO 2 ) at the edge of a saltwater s

When the Lass I was Loving for Years Finally Said Yes!: Episode 2

Episode 2: Scaling Up Our Friendship It was on one occasion of a date at Chilly Bowl, in the first semester of my final year, that I asked if she would be my girlfriend. (The bond had become too strong to break, and I didn’t want to graduate 4-0, hahaha ). She was stunned at first, and I got stunned too. She asked me to give her some time to think it over. I gladly consented, but deep within I feared I would be bounced . As I patiently waited for my dear Akos to give me a favourable response, I would often get beset with mixed feelings. I told my roommate I had proposed to Akos. Kwao: Boy you for pray say she go accept oo. Me: What else chale. My love for her has transcended the skies. Kwao: You den your vibes. Me: No be small punch line oo chale. But e go source. After about two weeks since we last met at Chilly Bowl, I picked up my phone one Saturday evening to answer a call, and surprisingly, it was Akos. I hadn’t heard from after our recent date. We exchange

When The Lass I Was Loving for Years Finally Said Yes!: Episode 1

PC: Pinterest Episode 1: Getting Acquainted I sent her a text on WhatsApp, ‘‘Bae, we’ve got a date on Friday night at Sparkles .’’ I’m sure she would have thought it would be one of our usual rendezvous , where we would chit-chat all night long talking about ourselves, among other matters, and getting a bit amorous sometimes, hahaha . But behind the scenes, something spectacular was boiling . She sent a reply, ‘’OK boo. I’m anticipating and will prepare in advance. Love youuu.’’ ‘’Love you bunch,’’ I responded. I was also preparing ahead for this big day where I would pop the question to the love of my life. I couldn’t wait for that grand day--the D-day--to declare myself to my better half. You could imagine all the sponging  and grooming that would go in on my side; and on the other side too, well, I couldn’t really guess. ’’Anticipate’’ was the only option. Akos was a lovely and comely young woman. She was beautiful in every sense of the word. She was tall (I was taller)