Steel pipes. PC: BRIEF HISTORY OF STEEL Steel has been widely regarded as the ' miracle metal ', especially of the modern era. This is because of its diversity in property and widespread applications in many different areas. One of the earliest forms of steel, blister steel, began production in Germany and England in the 17th century and was produced by increasing the carbon content in molten pig iron using a process known as cementation. In this process, bars of wrought iron were layered with powdered charcoal in stone boxes and heated. Steel is all around us. It is used in major constructions such as skyscrapers, stadiums, roads and railways , as well as smaller product designs such as bolts, nails and screws. Steel in also used in vehicles, kitchenware, electronic equipment, and a whole lot more. WHAT IS STEEL? Steel is an alloy of Iron (Fe) and Carbon C in which the carbon composition is less than two percent (2%). The 'counter-material' of...