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 Meet our personality of the week,our Immediate Past President

Mr.Samuel Kweku Afari

Can you tell us about yourself? 
I am Samuel Kweku Afari, born on the 4th of March 1998. I am 23 years of age and I pride myself to be the only child of my parents. I come from Abesim in the Bono Region where I started the earlier part of my junior high education at Sacred Heart Preparatory School. 
I moved to Tarkwa to continue my junior education at Golden Age School complex and that is where I had my Basic Education Certificate after completion in 2014. By God’s grace, I went on to have my senior high school education at St John’s School in Sekondi where I read General Science. Whilst in St. Johns School I served as the Sports Prefect (2016/2017). I completed St. Johns School in the year 2017 and by God’s grace had the opportunity to start my university education the same year at my dream university, KNUST. 
I am currently in my final year reading BSc. Metallurgical Engineering and I am a proud Continental and proud member of PENSA. In 2nd year I served as the assistant prayer secretary, and in 3rd year served as the Timothy Family Head all of PENSA KNUST Ushering Committee. In the church’s vision to possess the nations at all fronts, I was challenged to also move into politics and I successfully served the materials engineering department of KNUST as president (2019/2020). I currently serve as the Assistant Head Usher, SCC ushering sub-committee. My hobbies are playing FIFA, playing football and graphic designing. 
I am motivated to cause a change in my generation and take a lot of men from the streets and put smiles on the faces of many. Therefore failure in life is not a thing for me, because I believe that a generation depends on me and God is preparing me for something bigger. So while I wait for the big exposure, I endeavour to learn much and equip myself adequately for the task ahead. For heavy is the head that wears the crown. 

What was your experience like in secondary school? (Include school name, fond memories, etc.)
Life in St. Johns School was always fun. I had lots of friends and got popular due to my active participation in sports. Popularly known as Afari by my course and housemates and known by others as “Airspikes”. 
Just like any typical Roman Catholic School, discipline was a hallmark. I learned how to take responsibilities and survive in the worst scenarios of cases. St. Johns School gave me the courage to fight harder for my dreams no matter the odds and I am forever grateful. 
My fondest day in St. John’s School was my last race (100m) in the inter-colleges athletics competition. When my name was mentioned as part of the final 8 persons who made it to the final of the 100m race, the chants from the crowd was just amazing. Standing in the lane and watching my colleagues chant my name and cheer me on gave me a different kind of energy I’ve never experienced in my past athletic years.  
Although I was afraid initially because at a point in time I thought I was going to come last in the race looking at my competitors, however as I cast my eyes into the crowd , all I saw was love and belief. They believed in me even more that I believed in myself and that motivated my spirit and I went for it neglecting my fears and I successfully placed 3rd. My greatest achievement in my athletics life up bagged in a grand style. St. Johns School will forever be a home to me.

Metallurgical Engineering. Were you given the programme or you really wanted to do it? What informed your decision if you chose it?
Metallurgical Engineering wasn’t a first choice, the truth is that I hardly knew anything about it. Materials engineering was actually it, however I have come to grow love for my programme of study. I now have a strong conviction that God actually placed me here. Having had the opportunity to intern with Goldfields Ghana, I came to really appreciate Metallurgical Engineering and realize how much I am so passionate about Mineral Processing and how I now want to pursue a career in mineral processing.

How has the programme been so far?
The programme hasn’t been all smooth I will say, especially in my first and second years. For at point in time I said to myself “this isn’t it” but I had come too far to give up just so soon. I put myself together and with the help of my fellow colleagues I have been able to regain my rhythm. I have found a new cause to fight harder despite the challenges that come along. Very soon, I will finally be completing a degree in BSc. Metallurgical Engineering and I am so grateful to God, my parents, friends and colleagues.  

Why did you choose KNUST among all the other institutions in the country and beyond?
KNUST has always been my dream school and if I should have the chance to start life all over again I will undoubtedly still choose KNUST. I love the school and how they run things. It has proven to be the best in the country and their products are doing massively well in the various job markets. Its reputation it has gained over the years provides its products the advantage over other universities and I believe this is the right place for me to unearth my potential and even live it to its maximum

What position have you held so far in your academic life?
Sports Prefect- St. Johns School (2016/2017)
Interim House Prefect (House 11B –St. Johns School) – (2016/2017)
President- MATESA-KNUST (2019/2020)

Any challenges from class you would want to share?
Major problem we have faced as a class has to be the lack of course materials prior to upcoming semesters and less support from senior course mates.
I will recommend a progressive strategy to be adopted by the academic board chair to have representatives from each year group who will be tasked to compile copies of relevant information and course materials which is going to be handed over to junior course mates after each academic year. 
Also strong attention should be put into the mentorship committee, so that mentees may have a better overview of each semester courses and how to approach them.

Please tell us how you are able to manage social and academic responsibilities.
Dedication and desire have been strong pillars in my academic journey so far. A heart that is willing and a mind that is dedicated. As a student I believe that my prime reason for coming to the university is to acquire knowledge in the given field of study. Due to the nature of my responsibilities in the church and how active I am socially, this demands lots of time and as such, I utilize the least opportunity of free time I get to study. 
Knowing the courses for each semester, I give myself targets for each semester academically and I strategize towards achieving them. My principle is one, there is no substitute for hard work. Based on the courses for each semester, I identify which of them are my strengths and which of them are my weaknesses, and I dedicate more time to studying the courses I am weak at, meanwhile not neglecting my strengths. If I know that there is a course that I can get an ‘A’, I make sure that I just don’t get an A but strive to get a stronger A so that just in case I do not get better marks for the courses where I am not really strong in, the stronger As will compensate for them. I do not joke with my Fridays and weekends. I make sure to have fun, hang out with friends, play games etc… just to ease of some of the pressure while I strategically carry out my academic responsibilities.

Any achievements or special awards?
✔Third fastest athlete – Inter-Colleges Athletics Competition( Sekondi-Takoradi Zone)- 2016/2017
✔Fastest athlete- Inter-Colleges Athletics Competition(Sekondi Zone)- 2016/2017

What or who inspires you?
The desire to make it in life, not to have in sufficiency but in abundance so that it wouldn’t be that I will have just enough for my nuclear family but more to be able to take many from the streets and put smiles on the faces of many who are somewhere in this world, whose daily prayer is that the Lord will bring someone their way and that their lives will never be the same

How do you see the Department so far? Are there any improvements you would want to see? 
I see a sense of tension around students. You come into the department hearing of how difficult the two programmes are. However along the way, one gets to realize that things weren’t as they heard and that with dedication one can actually strive well. One thing I really wish we develop as a department is to strive to increase practical session of the courses. The programmes are such that, most of the things become abstract in mind. I believe that with the increase in the practical sessions, students will get to appreciate courses the more.

When it comes to Metallurgical engineering, what field are you particularly interested in and why?
I have the greatest interest in extractive metallurgy (mineral processing). Knowledge of it comes at ease and the whole process of extractive metallurgy marvels me. Understanding the chemistry behind it and the mechanical processes involved as well as the various mechanism of operations.

What do you think about the way we are taught here in the university? Is it helpful especially for your program of study? ( give possible remedies if there needs to be improvement)
I think the way we are taught in the university is cool. Amidst the covid-19, the introduction of the v-class and Zoom meetings have made teaching and learning easier at the comfort of both parties. 

The Core of Engineering Technology is MATESA’s motto, what does it mean to you?
This proves metallurgical and materials engineering  are the fundamental blocks of all other engineering fields. It is like a mother set having various subsets. Materials and metallurgical engineering becomes the Mother Set whilst the other fields of engineering become subsets. This means that the other fields of engineering strive on the basis of materials and  metallurgical engineering.

Are there any improvements you would want to see in MATESA?
✔Development of a MATESA website where relevant information pertaining to the department as well as updated information about materials and metallurgical engineering can be posted.
✔Technical writing skills training; resource persons can be brought on board to help.
✔Adoption of Multiple Choice Questions as the form of setting examination question to provide students the room to actually have time to understand courses rather than just learning to pass examinations without gaining understanding.

Do you think the world out there needs Materials and Metallurgical Engineers? (with reason)
Yes the world out there needs Materials and Metallurgical Engineers with new technologies coming up and the desire to do new or modify already existing technologies

Any message for government and other stakeholders regarding Materials and Metallurgical Engineering? 
With increasing demand for new products and technologies to solve the day-to-day problems man faces, it is essential for any country, especially Ghana, to invest massively in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering. One of the ways to increase your recognition across the world and attract investors is to increase development in technologies. Materials and metallurgical engineers form the core of all other engineering fields, and it is right that Government pays close attention to this area and massively offers support to fund research work. If we want to be the face of technology in the world, then there is a reason to invest massively into materials and metallurgical engineering so that more research works can be done and new technologies can be developed.

What should we expect form you in the next few years?
You should expect a well dedicated person, who is motivated to cause a change in the metallurgical industry and strives to always learn more, having submitted himself under training and ready to take over the world.

What would you tell us finally?
Life is like a time bomb, where each person lacks knowledge of when theirs will blow off; so while we are still alive, let us endeavour to wholeheartedly be each other’s keeper. Living a life of integrity with hatred for none. Serving God and seeking His guidance in all we do. Let us always remember that giving up is never an option, we should always strive through the storms, for we have come too far in life to give up.
Thank you so much for your time Mr Afari
Thank you too for having me.


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