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My Dearest Naa Ayele πŸ’“

To the girl of my dreams
From the guy who believes you’re undeniably enough

My Dearest Naa Ayele,

If I was your West, would your eyes' sun set on me?
If I was your East, would your heart’s sun rise in joy from seeing me?
If I was your North, would your life’s compass always point to me?
If I promised to forever remain faithful, work on myself, right all my wrongs, worship the very ground you walk on, would your love for me still go south?

I don’t remember when we first met or the first words we ever spoke but I swear, my life has never been…no!
Scratch that, my life has never been, my life will never be the same.
I am only but a man but any time I see you, I feel I am one with the wind – I can fly.
I am only a few decades old but I feel I have seen it all when my eyes steal glimpses at you.
You embody everything perfect and true and divine and everything twice.
You paint my mind with picturesque images only heaven could conjure.
Whoever drew your curves has to be the universe’s greatest cartographer

God gave the whole world oxygen but my lungs are allergic to it when you’re away.
The only air that gives life to my frail life is your sweet scented breath.
Death stares blatantly if you are not within my eye’s reach.
Your fierce fine fair face drowns out my voice like how the darkness sinks the sun’s rays anytime I see you
There is a lot I want to say that lurk behind my simple hello’s and hi’s
Everything about you is addictive! A drug I can never get enough of
I have never needed anything more than I need you

Aah my dearest Naa Ayele,
You can ask the secretary of God for how many times I’ve petitioned her office to ask God to make you mine
You are in every word I ever wrote or any word I ever spoke
You linger on my mind all day long till sleep steals me briefly only for you to consume all of me again
The only good thing about sleeping now is the visits and the dinners
Did I tell you about the last time we went to the Bahamas?
Don’t worry, I will tell you when we meet tonight.

I can promise you heaven and the riches of Solomon in all of its splendour and grandeur
I can promise you all the sweetness in the honey bears long for
But all I want to do is to spend the rest of my days kissing the tears from your eyes every single day and light smile bulbs in your eyes
All I want is to listen to you how your day went after the day is spent as your heart beat against my chest
All I want to do is to stare into your dark cute eyes and imbibe all the wisdom and intellect till the silver moon hangs no more
All I want to do is to be first face that brings you joy and the last face to bring you sadness
I want to be the reason why crying will never be an option making my shoulders obsolete for crying on

I swear, you’ll dwell in my heart all the days of my life
My life’s mission and vision statement would be this, and this only,
“To make you laugh and smile till death do us part”.
On our wedding day please tell the Pastor to skip the ” I dos” because I already did!
I would leave this world if I am to live without you
No second thoughts or useless doubts
Because tell me, what better fortune can life ever bless me with that you don’t exceed a gazillion times over?
You’re the only promise land I’ll sacrifice everything to chase

My only regret is that I am mortal and eventually I would die having only a lifetime to love you with a love all divinities would envy.
I hope your eyes see this letter but your heart actually does the reading.
Always know that till the suns light dim and the oceans become Sahara, I will love you no matter where you are, who you are with, or even if you never love me back because sometimes it feels like talking to a goddess who will never talk back.

--Prince George

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